Tuesday, May 31, 2016


On the 27th of May we started clubs. There was lots of different things that you could do and I chose coding which is robotics and scratch. I the making things with wood at home with dad so that's kinda why I chose coding. The first thing that we did was scratchjr but the year 7 and 8s had to help the little kids with scratchjr but we still got a bit of time to play on the game and it was really fun even though it was scratchjr.

When thought of coding I thought it would be like coding numbers and other stuff like that but I was wrong because it turned out that is was really different than I thought it was going to be. I also thought that lots of people were going to do that club but there weren't that many people but there were still a few of people.

I really enjoyed the it because you're free and open to do anything well not anything but it's really fun just helping the little kids and letting them do what they want to do on the game that they're playing but we had to help them the start.

My goal is to learn how to use scratch because it looks really fun with all the things that you can do like make them move around and have them throw things and other stuff like that.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Cross country

Cross country
On the 25th of May we are going to do cross country. I'm running 3000m at the Moffatts farm. Me and Ethan are going and Alex and Archie didn't want to do it so it was just me and Ethan.

Friday the 28th of may I am back from cross country. There was only 7 people in our race and they all looked really fast. Then it was our go so we lined up at the start line and then I heard CLAP and we were off. It was quite hard but the hardest part was going up the hills. When I saw the finish line it was a relief. They i finished but i came last. Then I went back to school.

Topic jam tins

This is James's and my topic about jam tins. We wanted to find out about jam tins so we made a slide and put all our information on it. Look below for the slide.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

My rugby game Club day

My rugby game

On Saturday the 14th of May, I went to my rugby game. We have to be there an hour before the game to warm up. When we get there we go into the changing rooms and get ready for our game. My position is a hooker in rugby but when we have our game I'm normally off at the first quarter which is really annoying. The bad thing was that is was our club day at and we lost our game. The people from our school who are in my rugby team are Hugh, Lachlan, Hayato and me of course. When we finished our game we went over to the table where all the yummy food is and this is where they hand out the player of the day award and tackler of the day award. Then I went home with Lachlan.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Mt Richardson

Mt Richardson

On Friday the 13th of May the whole senior school went up to the top of Mt Richardson. Riely, Alex and I went together up the hill. Before when we went up the hill we had to get numbered off my number was 38. We got numbered off so they can tell that we were still with the group. Riely was normally in front of Alex and I but we took turns. Then Alex slowed down a bit so Riely and I got in front. Then we stopped about halfway up the hill and had some morning tea. Then once we had had our morning tea we started walking again. When we had started walking again Riely and I went up to the front where most of my friends were.

We got up to the top and we had lunch. It was very cold and windy up there, so we put on our jerseys and jackets and then we were off again and I was up at the front with all my friends but this time we were going down and it was a lot faster but it did feel a long way. It was hard coming down because you're going so fast and sometimes you crash into the person in front. Then we got to the bottom and had a snack before we went on the bus back to school.


Monday, May 9, 2016

Paint ball

On Sunday the 8 of May 2016 at 1:00 pm I went to Hugh's party and did paint ball. In my team I had Riely, Alex Benj, Jack and me. The first game we played was kinder like capture the flag but instead of a flag it was a whistle and when you got to the whistle you blew it and then your team won. There were some rules though because when you got hit you had to put your hand up and then had to count to 60. Once you finished counting to 60 you could come back in the game also when you ran out of bullets you had to come of the field and watch it in till it finished. The last game we played was when you got shot you had to come off the field and wait there for a bit in till the next round but the bad thing was you ran out of bullets really fast. So when we were playing the game it was really annoying when you shooting at someone. When we finished playing paint ball we went back to Hughs an had fish and chips and stayed there for around 2 hours and then I went home.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Length Explain Everything

This is Riely's and mine explain everything about length, YAY!. At the start the class was split into 3 groups witch was Mass, Length and Capacity. RIely and I were in length to become experts on it. If you want to become a experts too watch the video below.