Tuesday, May 31, 2016


On the 27th of May we started clubs. There was lots of different things that you could do and I chose coding which is robotics and scratch. I the making things with wood at home with dad so that's kinda why I chose coding. The first thing that we did was scratchjr but the year 7 and 8s had to help the little kids with scratchjr but we still got a bit of time to play on the game and it was really fun even though it was scratchjr.

When thought of coding I thought it would be like coding numbers and other stuff like that but I was wrong because it turned out that is was really different than I thought it was going to be. I also thought that lots of people were going to do that club but there weren't that many people but there were still a few of people.

I really enjoyed the it because you're free and open to do anything well not anything but it's really fun just helping the little kids and letting them do what they want to do on the game that they're playing but we had to help them the start.

My goal is to learn how to use scratch because it looks really fun with all the things that you can do like make them move around and have them throw things and other stuff like that.

1 comment:

  1. Harry you are such a good tutor to the younger children. Once you have mastered the full scratch model you will then be able to present some of your work using it and it wont take as long to put together. Did you get proofread this first or did you ask a buddy to proofread before publishing? Check for next time. Otherwise keep up all the fantastic work.
