Monday, May 9, 2016

Paint ball

On Sunday the 8 of May 2016 at 1:00 pm I went to Hugh's party and did paint ball. In my team I had Riely, Alex Benj, Jack and me. The first game we played was kinder like capture the flag but instead of a flag it was a whistle and when you got to the whistle you blew it and then your team won. There were some rules though because when you got hit you had to put your hand up and then had to count to 60. Once you finished counting to 60 you could come back in the game also when you ran out of bullets you had to come of the field and watch it in till it finished. The last game we played was when you got shot you had to come off the field and wait there for a bit in till the next round but the bad thing was you ran out of bullets really fast. So when we were playing the game it was really annoying when you shooting at someone. When we finished playing paint ball we went back to Hughs an had fish and chips and stayed there for around 2 hours and then I went home.

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